Friday, June 05, 2009

Take A Tour Today...

and take it from the comfort of your home - or office - or wherever you are. :)

My brothers filmed a wedding at our church recently and Landon, in his free time when he wasn't filming, took the following pictures of our lovely church building. I couldn't resist sharing his photos with you.

(above and below) This is the main entrance to the sanctuary.

(below) The chancel

(above) The sanctuary with a small view of the sides which are lined with stained glass windows.
(below) A view of the side aisle, lined with arches on one side and stained glass windows on the other
(below) The nativity depicted in one of the windows

(above) The sanctuary from the front
(below) and from the back

(above) The entrance to the children's garden

The children's garden, a lovely, reflective spot that is unfailingly peaceful and cool, whatever the time of day.

Thanks, Landon! :)

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