Thursday, August 14, 2008

Health and Weight

Doug Wilson blogs about weight and the feminie ideal:
When a girl who is hovering on the edge of "skeletal" sincerely believes in her heart that she is "fat," the problem is obviously one of a dominating paradigm of self-deception. And when this happens, such a person usually attracts the concerned attention of others, but only because (and this is my point) she took the problem too far. A lot of people have a milder version of the same problem, and no one is concerned at all.
Read the rest here.

Also, new studies show that being fat doesn't necessarily mean you're unhealthy and that being thin doesn't necessarily mean you are healthy:
You can look great in a swimsuit and still be a heart attack waiting to happen. And you can also be overweight and otherwise healthy. A new study suggests that a surprising number of overweight people — about half — have normal blood pressure and cholesterol levels, while an equally startling number of trim people suffer from some of the ills associated with obesity.

The first national estimate of its kind bolsters the argument that you can be hefty but still healthy, or at least healthier than has been believed.


Yay for someone finally pointing out the obvious: bad food and a bad lifestyle are bad for you, whether you're fat or thin. It always seemed illogical to me that it is seemingly okay for thin people to eat greasy, sodium loaded, chemically altered fast food but it isn't okay for fat people, just because they actually gain weight on it. It just seems logical to assume that what is bad for one person would be bad for everyone, and being thin can't save you from the very unhealthy foods that we consume daily in America. I have an aunt who consumes fast food regularly and secretly gorges on oreos concealed in her room, and just because she is thin she thinks she's okay and healthy. Don't you think that while the excess sugar and fat may not make her gain weight, it is still an unhealthy lifestyle? America seriously needs to get over the weight prejudices/judgments that exist in every conversation about health and turn the focus onto good food/bad food and healthy lifestyles. And please, let's just not discuss weight at this point because it obviously has nothing to do with making a judgment call about health.
Thank you. :-)

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