Friday, October 20, 2006

Our first stop was at Book People, the largest independent bookstore in Texas. It was a bibliophile's dream come true. I was able to pick up a book I needed and splurged on a few other things while I was at it. I regret to say that I went over budget, and I determined to do better at the next stop.

Our next store to visit was one that Mom, Ashley and I had dreamed of visiting for a long time now. Hill Country Weavers is one of the most comprehensive, delightful yarn stores that I have ever been in. It was especially nice to discover yarns that I had never heard of, and to feel and see those that I had but that my local yarn store doesn't carry. It was sheer effort to pull ourselves away fromt that place, and we could only do so by promising each other that we would come back - and soon.

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