Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Merignac, Day 2

Aha! all is well again in my blog world. To now continue...

Day 2: We went to a mall to get groceries (yes, super-grocery stores are in malls here. You only shop at these grocery stores if you have mega shopping to do, otherwise you just run down the street to the old-fashioned grocery store) and while there Ashley and I got in some shopping, although we didn't buy anything except more pastries. :-) It was so interesting to contrast this mall with the ones we have in the States. For one thing, it isn't entertainment saturated. And although it is "soldes"(sale) season here, people are not pushing and shoving or running around, they just all walk calmly through the mall. The stores were interesting, too. The only music store that I saw was a classical label store and Virgin stores here are known primarily for their books (whereas back home they are shopped for the music and movies) and food courts are non-existent. I found a knitting store in the mall (which would never happen in American malls) and Ashley found a few interesting stores as well. It was a day of fascinating contrasts between American and French cultures.

On the way home we stopped at this equestrian center to let my cousin's little boy look at the horses.

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